Accubid Anywhere APIs
Steps to Using Accubid Anywhere APIs
This section shows you how to quickly start calling the Accubid Anywhere APIs. We recommend using a popular API testing tool.
The steps below outline how to efficiently return data by utilizing the tree structure. In order to get project level details, you will first need to pass Database token. In order to get estimate level details, you will need to pass a Project ID, and so on.
The access token acquired from authentication must be included as an Authorization Bearer token in all other API calls. To acquire access token please follow the TrimbleIdentity documentation for the “Authorization Code” and “Authorization Code with PKCE” grant types.
Check out the Authorization Guide for more information.
Get database token
This will return a list of database names and tokens.
[ { "Token": "xxxxxxxxx", "DatabaseName": "Database A", "CompanyName": "Company A" }, { "Token": "yyyyyyyyy", "DatabaseName": "Database B", "CompanyName": "Company B" }]
Get the project list
Get the project list for a database
This will return a list of project names and IDs.
[ {
"ProjectID": "XxYyZz123", "ProjectName": "Project A", "ProjectNumber": "Project 1", "Type": "Commercial:Large:New", "StartDate": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "EndDate": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "CreatedDate": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "CreatedBy": "", "ManagingBranchName": "Company Name", "ProjectPath": "Project Folder", "TrimbleProjectID": null }, {
"ProjectID": "XxYyZz123", "ProjectName": "Project B", "ProjectNumber": "Project 2", "Type": "Commercial:Large:New", "StartDate": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "EndDate": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "CreatedDate": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "CreatedBy": "", "ManagingBranchName": "Company Name", "ProjectPath": "Project Folder", "TrimbleProjectID": null }]
Get the estimate list
Get the estimate list for a project
This will return a list of estimated names and IDs
[ { "EstimateID": "AaBbCc123", "EstimateName": "Estimate A", "EstimateNumber": "Estimate 1", "Status": "Pending", "CreatedBy": "", "CreatedDate": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "DueDate": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "StartDate": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "EndDate": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "Contract": null, "IsDeleted": false }, { "EstimateID": "XxYyZz456", "EstimateName": "Estimate B", "EstimateNumber": "Estimate 2", "Status": "Pending", "CreatedBy": "", "CreatedDate": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "DueDate": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "StartDate": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "EndDate": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "Contract": null, "IsDeleted": false }]
Get the estimate info
Get information for a specific estimate
This will return information for a specific estimate
{ "EstimateID": "AaBbCc123", "Name": "Estimate A", "Number": "Estimate 1", "CreatedBy": "exampleresponse", "CreatedDate": "2015-06-03T13:42:06.817", "LaborColumn": "Column Nmae", "LaborFactorMethod": "Additive", "ImperialMetric": "Imperial", "Status": "Pending", "Industry": "Mechanical", "ApplyMarkupOnOverhead": true, "ApplyOverheadAndMarkupOnTax": true, "VendorPricingPrecedence": true, "Contract": null, "DueDate": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "StartDate": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "EndDate": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "Notes": "<div style=\"font-size:12pt;font-family:"Times New Roman";\"></div>", "Duration": 0.0, "TimeInterval": "Days", "IsDeleted": false, "BidSummaries": [ { "BidSummaryID": "xxxxyyyy", "BidSummaryName": "Bidsummary A" }, { "BidSummaryID": "aaaabbbb", "BidSummaryName": "Bidsummary B" } ], "BreakdownCategories": [ { "BreakdownCategoryID": 1, "BreakdownCategoryName": "Area", "BreakdownCategoryLabel": null }, { "BreakdownCategoryID": 2, "BreakdownCategoryName": "Bid Item", "BreakdownCategoryLabel": null }, { "BreakdownCategoryID": 3, "BreakdownCategoryName": "Misc 1", "BreakdownCategoryLabel": "Line Number" }, { "BreakdownCategoryID": 4, "BreakdownCategoryName": "Drawing", "BreakdownCategoryLabel": null } ]}
Get extension details for a specific estimate
Call the estimate extension item details API to get extension information for a specific estimate
This will send a message with a URL via SignalR when the file is available for download.
[ { "TakeoffID": 12345, "TakeOffItemID": 67890, "JobID": 1234, "ItemDescription": "AaBbCc123", "Attributes": "1/2\"", "Qty": 40, "PriceUnit": "C", "Price": 0, "MaterialCondition": "Normal", "Discount": 0, "Cost": 0, "CostAdj": 0, "NetCost": 0, "TotalMaterial": 0, "LaborUnit": "C", "FieldLaborAdj": null, "FieldLabor": 1.11, "TotalFieldLabor": 0.2222, "ShopLabor": 0.111, "ShopQty": 40, "TotalShopLabor": 0.2222, "TotalLabor": 1.112, "SortCode1": "aaaabbbb", "SortCode2": "xxxxyyyy", "SortCode3": null, "SortCode4": null, "SortCode5": null, "SortCode6": null, "SortCode7": null, "SortCode8": null, "SortCode1ID": 1234, "SortCode2ID": 5678, "SortCode3ID": null, "SortCode4ID": null, "SortCode5ID": null, "SortCode6ID": null, "SortCode7ID": null, "SortCode8ID": null, "ERPSystemCode": null, "CatalogNumber": "aaaabbbb", "JobDiscountGroupName": null, "LaborCondition": "Normal", "LbrByWtCategory": null, "Manufacturer": "Generic", "MeasureType": "Length", "PriceCode": "111122223333", "PriceDate": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000", "ItemArea": 0.111, "AreaUnit": "E", "TotalArea": 11.11, "Volume": 0, "VolumeUnit": "E", "TotalVolume": 0, "Weight": 30, "WeightUnit": "C", "TotalWeight": 12, "Vendor": null, "VendorCode": "Code A", "VendorPrice": null, "VendorNote": null, "WallThickness": 0, "PriceUnitID": 2, "PriceConditionID": 0, "LaborUnitID": 2, "AreaUnitID": 1, "DiscountGroupID": null, "LaborConditionID": 0, "LaborByWeightCategoryID": null, "MeasureTypeID": 1, "ItemVolumeUnitID": 1, "ItemWeightUnitID": 2, "VendorCompanyBranchID": null, "TakeOffItemGroupID": 12345, "TakeoffItemPriceID": 67890, "Drawing": "Drawing 4", "DrawingID": 12345, "Area": "Area 4", "AreaID": 67890, "Phase": "Phase 4", "PhaseID": 112233, "System": "System 4", "SystemID": 445566, "BidItem": "Bid Item 4", "BidItemID": 112233, "LineNumber": "Spool 4", "LineNumberID": 445566, "Spool": "No Misc 2", "SpoolID": 112233, "Misc3": "No Misc 3", "Misc3ID": 445566, "Misc4": "No Misc 4", "Misc4ID": 778899, "Misc5": "No Misc 5", "Misc5ID": 112233, "Misc6": "No Misc 6", "Misc6ID": 445566, "Misc7": "No Misc 7", "Misc7ID": 778899, "LaborFactor": "Normal", "LaborFactorID": 12345, "SpecificationID": 56789, "SpecificationName": "No Specification", "TakeoffDetailID": 1122334455, "AssemblyName": null, "EncodedPath": "11AA22BB_33CC", "Estimator": "", "GUID": null, "Industry": "Electrical", "IsDesignationItem": false, "MaterialAdjustmentPct": 0, "MaterialPricingMethod": "Quantity", "TakeoffAssemblyID": null, "TakeoffLabel": "aaaabbbb", "WeightUnitWeight": null, "DesignationUniqueID": null, "AreaCode": "", "BidItemCode": "", "SpoolCode": null, "DrawingCode": "", "PhaseCode": "", "LineNumberCode": "", "SystemCode": "", "Misc3Code": null, "Misc4Code": null, "Misc5Code": null, "Misc6Code": null, "Misc7Code": null }]
Get extension details for a specific Bid Summary
Call the estimate extension item details API to get extension information for a specific Bid Summary
This will send a message with a URL via SignalR when the file is available for download.
[ { "TakeoffID": 12345, "TakeOffItemID": 67890, "JobID": 1234, "ItemDescription": "AaBbCc123", "Attributes": "1/2\"", "Qty": 40, "PriceUnit": "C", "Price": 0, "MaterialCondition": "Normal", "Discount": 0, "Cost": 0, "CostAdj": 0, "NetCost": 0, "TotalMaterial": 0, "LaborUnit": "C", "FieldLaborAdj": null, "FieldLabor": 1.11, "TotalFieldLabor": 0.2222, "ShopLabor": 0.111, "ShopQty": 40, "TotalShopLabor": 0.2222, "TotalLabor": 1.112, "SortCode1": "aaaabbbb", "SortCode2": "xxxxyyyy", "SortCode3": null, "SortCode4": null, "SortCode5": null, "SortCode6": null, "SortCode7": null, "SortCode8": null, "SortCode1ID": 1234, "SortCode2ID": 5678, "SortCode3ID": null, "SortCode4ID": null, "SortCode5ID": null, "SortCode6ID": null, "SortCode7ID": null, "SortCode8ID": null, "ERPSystemCode": null, "CatalogNumber": "aaaabbbb", "JobDiscountGroupName": null, "LaborCondition": "Normal", "LbrByWtCategory": null, "Manufacturer": "Generic", "MeasureType": "Length", "PriceCode": "111122223333", "PriceDate": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000", "ItemArea": 0.111, "AreaUnit": "E", "TotalArea": 11.11, "Volume": 0, "VolumeUnit": "E", "TotalVolume": 0, "Weight": 30, "WeightUnit": "C", "TotalWeight": 12, "Vendor": null, "VendorCode": "Code A", "VendorPrice": null, "VendorNote": null, "WallThickness": 0, "PriceUnitID": 2, "PriceConditionID": 0, "LaborUnitID": 2, "AreaUnitID": 1, "DiscountGroupID": null, "LaborConditionID": 0, "LaborByWeightCategoryID": null, "MeasureTypeID": 1, "ItemVolumeUnitID": 1, "ItemWeightUnitID": 2, "VendorCompanyBranchID": null, "TakeOffItemGroupID": 12345, "TakeoffItemPriceID": 67890, "Drawing": "Drawing 4", "DrawingID": 12345, "Area": "Area 4", "AreaID": 67890, "Phase": "Phase 4", "PhaseID": 112233, "System": "System 4", "SystemID": 445566, "BidItem": "Bid Item 4", "BidItemID": 112233, "LineNumber": "Spool 4", "LineNumberID": 445566, "Spool": "No Misc 2", "SpoolID": 112233, "Misc3": "No Misc 3", "Misc3ID": 445566, "Misc4": "No Misc 4", "Misc4ID": 778899, "Misc5": "No Misc 5", "Misc5ID": 112233, "Misc6": "No Misc 6", "Misc6ID": 445566, "Misc7": "No Misc 7", "Misc7ID": 778899, "LaborFactor": "Normal", "LaborFactorID": 12345, "SpecificationID": 56789, "SpecificationName": "No Specification", "TakeoffDetailID": 1122334455, "AssemblyName": null, "EncodedPath": "11AA22BB_33CC", "Estimator": "", "GUID": null, "Industry": "Electrical", "IsDesignationItem": false, "MaterialAdjustmentPct": 0, "MaterialPricingMethod": "Quantity", "TakeoffAssemblyID": null, "TakeoffLabel": "aaaabbbb", "WeightUnitWeight": null, "DesignationUniqueID": null, "AreaCode": "", "BidItemCode": "", "SpoolCode": null, "DrawingCode": "", "PhaseCode": "", "LineNumberCode": "", "SystemCode": "", "Misc3Code": null, "Misc4Code": null, "Misc5Code": null, "Misc6Code": null, "Misc7Code": null }]
Get the final price data
Call the final price API to get the final price data for a Bid Summary
This will return the final price data for a specific Bid Summary.
{ "Header": { "ApplicationName": "ApplicationName", "CustomerId": "1122334455", "UserUuid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", "Id": "aaAA11222-1234-1bb2-c101abcdef121_12743", "ParentId": "aaAA11222-1234-1bb2-c101abcdef121_12743", "ParentType": "BidSummary", "CorrelationID": "aaAA11222-1234-1bb2-c101abcdef121_6195", "ProjectId": "aaAA11222", "Operation": "Create", "OperationUtc": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z" }, "FinalPricing": { "SellingPrice": { "NetCost": { "PrimeCost": { "MaterialTotal": { "DatabaseMaterial": { "CalcAmount": 100000.00, "CalcPercent": 0, "AdjAmount": 0, "AdjPercent": 0, "ModAmount": 100000.00, "ModPercent": 0, "PercentOfFinalPrice": 10.000, "Note": "", "Code": "", "VisualOrder": 1, "Id": "1" }, "MaterialAdjustment": { "CalcAmount": 0, "CalcPercent": 0, "AdjAmount": 0, "AdjPercent": 0, "ModAmount": 0, "ModPercent": 0, "PercentOfFinalPrice": 0, "Note": "", "Code": "", "VisualOrder": 2, "Id": "2" }, "MaterialTax": { "CalcAmount": 10000.00, "CalcPercent": 8, "AdjAmount": 0, "AdjPercent": 0, "ModAmount": 10000.00, "ModPercent": 8, "PercentOfFinalPrice": 1.000, "Note": "", "Code": "", "VisualOrder": 6, "Id": "4" }, "CalcAmount": 100000.00, "CalcPercent": 0, "AdjAmount": 0, "AdjPercent": 0, "ModAmount": 100000.00, "ModPercent": 0, "PercentOfFinalPrice": 10.000, "Note": "", "Code": "", "VisualOrder": 7, "Id": "5" }, "LaborTotal": { "FieldLabor": { "CalcAmount": 100000.00, "CalcPercent": 0, "AdjAmount": 0, "AdjPercent": 0, "ModAmount": 1000000.0, "ModPercent": 0, "PercentOfFinalPrice": 10.0000, "Note": "", "Code": "", "VisualOrder": 8, "Id": "7" }, "ShopLabor": { "CalcAmount": 0, "CalcPercent": 0, "AdjAmount": 0, "AdjPercent": 0, "ModAmount": 0, "ModPercent": 0, "PercentOfFinalPrice": 0, "Note": "", "Code": "", "VisualOrder": 9, "Id": "6" }, "IncidentalLabor": { "CalcAmount": 0, "CalcPercent": 0, "AdjAmount": 0, "AdjPercent": 0, "ModAmount": 0, "ModPercent": 0, "PercentOfFinalPrice": 0, "Note": "", "Code": "", "VisualOrder": 11, "Id": "8" }, "LaborFactoring": { "CalcAmount": 0, "CalcPercent": 0, "AdjAmount": 0, "AdjPercent": 0, "ModAmount": 0, "ModPercent": 0, "PercentOfFinalPrice": 0, "Note": "", "Code": "", "VisualOrder": 12, "Id": "9" }, "LaborEsclation": { "CalcAmount": 0, "CalcPercent": 0, "AdjAmount": 0, "AdjPercent": 0, "ModAmount": 0, "ModPercent": 0, "PercentOfFinalPrice": 0, "Note": "", "Code": "", "VisualOrder": 13, "Id": "10" }, "IndirectLabor": { "CalcAmount": 0, "CalcPercent": 0, "AdjAmount": 0, "AdjPercent": 0, "ModAmount": 0, "ModPercent": 0, "PercentOfFinalPrice": 0, "Note": "", "Code": "", "VisualOrder": 14, "Id": "11" }, "LaborTax": { "CalcAmount": 0, "CalcPercent": 0, "AdjAmount": 0, "AdjPercent": 0, "ModAmount": 0, "ModPercent": 0, "PercentOfFinalPrice": 0, "Note": "", "Code": "", "VisualOrder": 17, "Id": "12" }, "CalcAmount": 1000000.00, "CalcPercent": 0, "AdjAmount": 0, "AdjPercent": 0, "ModAmount": 1000000.00., "ModPercent": 0, "PercentOfFinalPrice": 10.000, "Note": "", "Code": "", "VisualOrder": 18, "Id": "13" }, "Equipment": { "CalcAmount": 0, "CalcPercent": 0, "AdjAmount": 0, "AdjPercent": 0, "ModAmount": 0, "ModPercent": 0, "PercentOfFinalPrice": 0, "Note": "", "Code": "", "VisualOrder": 19, "Id": "15" }, "GeneralExpenses": { "CalcAmount": 1000.00, "CalcPercent": 0, "AdjAmount": 0, "AdjPercent": 0, "ModAmount": 1000.00, "ModPercent": 0, "PercentOfFinalPrice": 1.3, "Note": "", "Code": "", "VisualOrder": 20, "Id": "16" }, "Subcontracts": { "CalcAmount": 0, "CalcPercent": 0, "AdjAmount": 0, "AdjPercent": 0, "ModAmount": 0, "ModPercent": 0, "PercentOfFinalPrice": 0, "Note": "", "Code": "", "VisualOrder": 21, "Id": "14" }, "Quotes": { "CalcAmount": 0, "CalcPercent": 0, "AdjAmount": 0, "AdjPercent": 0, "ModAmount": 0, "ModPercent": 0, "PercentOfFinalPrice": 0, "Note": "", "Code": "", "VisualOrder": 22, "Id": "3" }, "CalcAmount": 100000.0, "CalcPercent": 0, "AdjAmount": 0, "AdjPercent": 0, "ModAmount": 100000.7, "ModPercent": 0, "PercentOfFinalPrice": 10.000, "Note": "", "Code": "", "VisualOrder": 24, "Id": "17" }, "TotalOverhead": { "MaterialOverhead": { "CalcAmount": 10000.00, "CalcPercent": 8, "AdjAmount": 0, "AdjPercent": 0, "ModAmount": 100000.00, "ModPercent": 8, "PercentOfFinalPrice": 1.000, "Note": "", "Code": "", "VisualOrder": 25, "Id": "18" }, "LaborOverhead": { "Description": null, "BasedOn": "Based on % of labor cost", "Rate": 0, "FieldLaborIncluded": false, "ShopLaborIncluded": false, "IncidentalLaborIncluded": false, "LaborFactoringIncluded": false, "IndirectLaborIncluded": false, "CalcAmount": 10000.0, "CalcPercent": 25, "AdjAmount": 0, "AdjPercent": 0, "ModAmount": 10000.0, "ModPercent": 25, "PercentOfFinalPrice": 10.000, "Note": "", "Code": "", "VisualOrder": 26, "Id": "20" }, "EquipmentOverhead": { "CalcAmount": 0, "CalcPercent": 0, "AdjAmount": 0, "AdjPercent": 0, "ModAmount": 0, "ModPercent": 0, "PercentOfFinalPrice": 0, "Note": "", "Code": "", "VisualOrder": 27, "Id": "22" }, "GeneralExpensesOverhead": { "CalcAmount": 100.00, "CalcPercent": 4, "AdjAmount": 0, "AdjPercent": 0, "ModAmount": 100.00, "ModPercent": 4, "PercentOfFinalPrice": 0.052, "Note": "", "Code": "", "VisualOrder": 28, "Id": "23" }, "SubcontractsOverhead": { "CalcAmount": 0, "CalcPercent": 0, "AdjAmount": 0, "AdjPercent": 0, "ModAmount": 0, "ModPercent": 0, "PercentOfFinalPrice": 0, "Note": "", "Code": "", "VisualOrder": 29, "Id": "21" }, "QuotesOverhead": { "CalcAmount": 0, "CalcPercent": 0, "AdjAmount": 0, "AdjPercent": 0, "ModAmount": 0, "ModPercent": 0, "PercentOfFinalPrice": 0, "Note": "", "Code": "", "VisualOrder": 30, "Id": "19" }, "AdjustmentOverhead": { "CalcAmount": 0, "CalcPercent": 0, "AdjAmount": 0, "AdjPercent": 0, "ModAmount": 0, "ModPercent": 0, "PercentOfFinalPrice": 0, "Note": "", "Code": "", "VisualOrder": 133, "Id": "24" }, "CalcAmount": 10000.63, "CalcPercent": 10.000, "AdjAmount": 0, "AdjPercent": 0, "ModAmount": 100000.00, "ModPercent": 10.000, "PercentOfFinalPrice": 10.000, "Note": "", "Code": "", "VisualOrder": 134, "Id": "25" }, "CalcAmount": 100000.00, "CalcPercent": 0, "AdjAmount": 0, "AdjPercent": 0, "ModAmount": 100000.00, "ModPercent": 0, "PercentOfFinalPrice": 10.000, "Note": "", "Code": "", "VisualOrder": 135, "Id": "40" }, "TotalMarkUp": { "Description": null, "MaterialMarkup": { "CalcAmount": 1000.00, "CalcPercent": 4, "AdjAmount": 0, "AdjPercent": 0, "ModAmount": 1000.00, "ModPercent": 4, "PercentOfFinalPrice": 1.000, "Note": "", "Code": "", "VisualOrder": 136, "Id": "26" }, "LaborMarkup": { "Description": null, "BasedOn": "Based on % of labor cost & overhead", "Rate": 0, "FieldLaborIncluded": false, "ShopLaborIncluded": false, "IncidentalLaborIncluded": false, "LaborFactoringIncluded": false, "IndirectLaborIncluded": false, "CalcAmount": 100000.00, "CalcPercent": 10.0, "AdjAmount": 0, "AdjPercent": 0, "ModAmount": 100000.00, "ModPercent": 10.0, "PercentOfFinalPrice": 1.000, "Note": "", "Code": "", "VisualOrder": 137, "Id": "28" }, "EquipmentMarkup": { "CalcAmount": 0, "CalcPercent": 0, "AdjAmount": 0, "AdjPercent": 0, "ModAmount": 0, "ModPercent": 0, "PercentOfFinalPrice": 0, "Note": "", "Code": "", "VisualOrder": 138, "Id": "30" }, "GeneralExpensesMarkup": { "CalcAmount": 100.00, "CalcPercent": 2.5, "AdjAmount": 0, "AdjPercent": 0, "ModAmount": 100.00, "ModPercent": 2.5, "PercentOfFinalPrice": 0.034, "Note": "", "Code": "", "VisualOrder": 139, "Id": "31" }, "SubcontractsMarkup": { "CalcAmount": 0, "CalcPercent": 0, "AdjAmount": 0, "AdjPercent": 0, "ModAmount": 0, "ModPercent": 0, "PercentOfFinalPrice": 0, "Note": "", "Code": "", "VisualOrder": 140, "Id": "29" }, "QuotesMarkup": { "CalcAmount": 0, "CalcPercent": 0, "AdjAmount": 0, "AdjPercent": 0, "ModAmount": 0, "ModPercent": 0, "PercentOfFinalPrice": 0, "Note": "", "Code": "", "VisualOrder": 141, "Id": "27" }, "AdjustmentMarkup": { "CalcAmount": 0, "CalcPercent": 0, "AdjAmount": 0, "AdjPercent": 0, "ModAmount": 0, "ModPercent": 0, "PercentOfFinalPrice": 0, "Note": "", "Code": "", "VisualOrder": 244, "Id": "32" }, "BasedOn": "Calculate Total Markup based on entered percentages", "LaborRiskRationPercent": 0, "CalcAmount": 10000.00, "CalcPercent": 1.000, "AdjAmount": 0, "AdjPercent": 0, "ModAmount": 10000.00, "ModPercent": 1.000, "PercentOfFinalPrice": 1.000, "Note": "", "Code": "", "VisualOrder": 245, "Id": "33" }, "JobExpense": { "Description": "Job Expense", "BillingMethod": "Standard", "RangeList": [], "CalcAmount": 0, "CalcPercent": 0, "AdjAmount": 0, "AdjPercent": 0, "ModAmount": 0, "ModPercent": 0, "PercentOfFinalPrice": 0, "Note": "", "Code": "", "VisualOrder": 249, "Id": "34" }, "Financing": { "Description": "Financing", "BillingMethod": "Standard", "RangeList": [], "CalcAmount": 0, "CalcPercent": 0, "AdjAmount": 0, "AdjPercent": 0, "ModAmount": 0, "ModPercent": 0, "PercentOfFinalPrice": 0, "Note": "", "Code": "", "VisualOrder": 250, "Id": "35" }, "Bonding": { "Description": "Bonding", "BillingMethod": "Standard", "RangeList": [], "CalcAmount": 0, "CalcPercent": 0, "AdjAmount": 0, "AdjPercent": 0, "ModAmount": 0, "ModPercent": 0, "PercentOfFinalPrice": 0, "Note": "", "Code": "", "VisualOrder": 251, "Id": "36" }, "FinalAdj": { "CalcAmount": 0, "CalcPercent": 0, "AdjAmount": 0, "AdjPercent": 0, "ModAmount": 0, "ModPercent": 0, "PercentOfFinalPrice": 0, "Note": "", "Code": "", "VisualOrder": 252, "Id": "37" }, "CalcAmount": 100000.00, "CalcPercent": 0, "AdjAmount": 0, "AdjPercent": 0, "ModAmount": 100000.00, "ModPercent": 0, "PercentOfFinalPrice": 100, "Note": "", "Code": "", "VisualOrder": 253, "Id": "38" }, "Tax": { "Description": "Global Tax", "CalcAmount": 0, "CalcPercent": 0, "AdjAmount": 0, "AdjPercent": 0, "ModAmount": 0, "ModPercent": 0, "PercentOfFinalPrice": 0, "Note": "", "Code": "", "VisualOrder": 254, "Id": "39" }, "CalcAmount": 100000.00, "CalcPercent": null, "AdjAmount": null, "AdjPercent": null, "ModAmount": 100000.00, "ModPercent": null, "PercentOfFinalPrice": 0, "Note": "", "Code": "", "VisualOrder": 255, "Id": "1000" }, "BidSummaryID": "12345"}
Get the conract list
Call the Contract List API to get a list of contracts for a Project
This will return a list of Contracts.
[ { "ContractID": "AaBbCc123", "Name": "Contract A", "Number": "Contract 1", "Date": "2021-06-28"", "Estimates": [ { "contractID": 0, "jobID": 0, "estimateID": "string", "name": "string" } ], "BaseContractAmount": 0.00, "ChangeOrderAmount": null, "TotalAmount": 0.00, "COLaborHours": 0.000, "BCLaborHours": 0.000, "TotalLaborHours": 0.000 }, { "ContractID": "XxYyZz456", "Name": "Contract B", "Number": "Contract 2", "Date": "2021-06-28", "Estimates": null, "BaseContractAmount": 0.00, "ChangeOrderAmount": null, "TotalAmount": 0.00, "COLaborHours": 0.000, "BCLaborHours": 0.000, "TotalLaborHours": 0.000 },]
Get PCO list
Get the list of PCOs for a Contract
GET h{databaseToken}/{contractID}
This will return a list of PCOs.
{ "pageIndex": 0, "totalItems": 7, "pageSize": 100, "items": [ { "PcoID": "AaBbCc123", "Name": "PCO A", "Number": "1", "IsDeleted": false, "BidDueDate": null, "CreatedDate": "2021-06-28", "ProjectStartDate": null, "Status": "Pending", "IsFrozen": false, "FrozenDate": null, "ChangeOrderNumber": null, "ChangeOrderDate": null, "SellingPrice": null, "MaterialAmount": null, "DirectLaborAmount": null, "IndirectLaborAmount": null, "EquipmentAmount": null, "GeneralExpensesAmount": null, "SubcontractsAmount": null, "QuotesAmount": null, "OverheadMarkupAmount": null, "GlobalTaxAmount": null, "TotalAmount": null, "OverheadMarkupPct": null, "LaborHours": null, "Subs": null, "Quotes": null, "ReferenceFields": null }, { "PcoID": "XxYyZz456", "Name": "PCO B", "Number": "2", "IsDeleted": false, "BidDueDate": null, "CreatedDate": "2021-06-28", "ProjectStartDate": null, "Status": "Pending", "IsFrozen": false, "FrozenDate": null, "ChangeOrderNumber": null, "ChangeOrderDate": null, "SellingPrice": null, "MaterialAmount": null, "DirectLaborAmount": null, "IndirectLaborAmount": null, "EquipmentAmount": null, "GeneralExpensesAmount": null, "SubcontractsAmount": null, "QuotesAmount": null, "OverheadMarkupAmount": null, "GlobalTaxAmount": null, "TotalAmount": null, "OverheadMarkupPct": null, "LaborHours": null, "Subs": null, "Quotes": null, "ReferenceFields": null } ], "links": { "self": "", "first": "", "last": "" }}
Get the PCO info
Get information for a specific PCO
This will return information for a specific PCO.
{ "PCOID": "AaBbCc123", "Name": "PCO A", "Number": "1", "CreatedBy": "exampleresponse", "LaborColumn": "A", "ImperialMetric": "Imperial", "Status": "Pending", "Industry": "Electrical", "ApplyMarkupOnOverhead": true, "ApplyMarkupAndOverheadOnTax": true, "VendorPricingPrecedence": true, "Contract": "A", "ChangeOrderNumber": null, "RFP": "1", "CODate": null, "ApprovedChangeOrderAmount": null, "DueDate": null, "StartDate": null, "EndDate": null, "Duration": 0.0, "TimeInterval": "Days", "CreatedDate": "2021-06-28", "Notes": "<div style=\"font-size:12pt;font-family:Calibri;\"></div>", "BidSummaryName": "Default", "BidSummaryID": "XxYyZz123", "IsDeleted": false, "BreakdownCategories": [ { "ID": "xxxx", "Name": "Area", "Label": null }, { "ID": "yyyy", "Name": "Bid Item", "Label": null } ], "ReferenceFields": {}}
Get the ContractQuoteLabels
Get list of ContractQuoteLabels for a contract
This will return a list of ContractQuoteLabels.
[ { "Index": 1, "Name": "Quote01" }, { "Index": 2, "Name": "Quote02" }, { "Index": 3, "Name": "Quote03" }, { "Index": 4, "Name": "Quote04" }]
Get the ContractSubcontractLabels
Get list of ContractSubcontractLabels for a contract
This will return a list of ContractSubcontractLabels.
[ { "Index": 1, "Name": "Subcontract01" }, { "Index": 2, "Name": "Subcontract02" }, { "Index": 3, "Name": "Subcontract03" }, { "Index": 4, "Name": "Subcontract04" }]
Get the Contract Statuses
Get list of Statuses for a contract
This will return a list of Contract Statuses.
[ { "Description": "Pending", "IncludeInCOToDate": false }, { "Description": "Rejected", "IncludeInCOToDate": false }]