Download As-applied Data

Connect Endpoints to use on the web, in mobile, or in displays

Download as-applied data

Steps to download as-applied data

  1. GET the list of Equipment Activities
  2. GET the list of Layers
  3. GET the list of Samples

Step 1: GET - Get the list of Equipment Activities This will return the list of Equipment Activity tasks for an Organization in the Trimble Agriculture Cloud.

  • API Call: {{BaseURL}}/tasks/{{OrgId}}/equipmentactivities
  • Path Variable: Org ID
  • Response: A successful GET request will result in 200 OK status code along with the response body that includes a list of Equipment Activities and their IDs. The bookmark token in the response can be used in the query parameter in the subsequent API call to obtain the set of remaining records. You can find more details on bookmarks here.

Step 2: GET - Get the list of Layers for an Equipment Activity ID This will return the list of Layers for a single Equipment Activity task.

  • API Call: {{BaseURL}}/tasks/{{OrgId}}/layers?equipmentActivityId={{EquipmentActivityId}}
  • Path Variable: Org ID
  • Query Parameter: Equipment Activity ID (obtained from Step 1 response)
  • Response: A successful GET request will result in 200 OK status code along with the response body that includes a list of Layers and their IDs.

Step 3: GET - Get the list of Samples on a Layer This will return the list of Samples (i.e. locations) along with the Sensors and associated values for a single Layer.

  • API Call: {{BaseURL}}/tasks/{{OrgId}}/layers/{{layerId}}/samples
  • Path Variable: Org ID, Layer ID (obtained from Step 2 response)
  • Response: A successful GET request will result in a 200 status code along with the Samples and Sensor values associated with the Layer.