Error Handling

Detailed information on Errors

Error Handling

Operations that result in an error due to a problem on the client’s part (for example, invalid input) returns standard 4xx codes. 5xx codes will be returned if the server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.

HTTP Response CodeError ConditionResponse Body
400 Bad RequestThe submitted data was invalid in some way.The error entity, in JSON or XML, is displayed with an applicable specific application error code and message, and possibly detail where available.
Each API operation will document the possible application error codes.
401 UnauthorizedThe user/client API keys were not specified, or were not validThe error code is displayed with a message and a short description.
403 ForbiddenRequested operation is invalid.The error code is displayed with a message and short description.
404 Not FoundRequested item does not exist.The error code is displayed with a message and short description.
500 Internal Server ErrorServer encountered an unexpected condition.