
Data Organization and Flow


  • Data flow within the Trimble Agriculture ecosystem is through the cloud. Data from 3rd party applications is sent to the Trimble Agriculture Cloud where it is available in Trimble Ag Software and may then be automatically or manually sent to connected Trimble Displays. Data from connected Trimble Displays will be sent to the Trimble Agriculture Cloud where it is available in Trimble Ag Software and then may be accessed by 3rd party applications.
  • In Trimble Ag Software, Organizations are the basic structure that segregates user data. An organization typically represents the business entity that manages the resources (fields, equipment, personnel, materials) used in a farming operation. Each Trimble Ag Software user will have access to one or more organizations.
  • The Ag Data API is the primary Trimble Agriculture API and is depended on by the other API for some basic functions. For example, the Ag Telematics and Ag Company APIs access Trimble Agriculture account (i.e. Organization) IDs from the an Ag Data API call. Additionally, Ag Data API endpoints can provide additional information used within the other APIs, such as Vehicle details for Telematics API users.
  • Trimble Displays supported for most data exchange include GFX-1260, GFX-1060, GFX-750, GFX-350, TMX-2050, XCN-2050, XCN-1050, and XCN-750