Error Payload

Error Payload

Error Payload

Errors returned from Trimble APIs MUST support to the Trimble Standard Error Payload (schema definition), an extension of RFC 7807. Errors must minimally specify

  • type, a language-independent URI reference that specifies the problem type. This URI, when dereferenced, SHOULD resolve to human-readable documentation for the problem type.
  • title, a short, human-readable summary of the problem type. This summary MAY be the client’s requested language if the resource server generating the error supports the ACCEPT-LANGUAGE HTTP header, or American English otherwise.

Services may optionally return subordinate errors in an optional errors array.

"title":"Unable to calibrate device settings due to current channel configuration.",
"title":"Unable to set POS device setting due to current channel configuration."
"title":"Unable to set NAV device setting due to current channel configuration."