Units of Measure

Units of Measure

Units of Measure

The Trimble standard units of measure are SI units or derived from SI units. Some SI units are impractical or make values harder to read and intuitively understand. In these cases, a substitute unit of measure is used for the standard. For example, the SI unit of temperature is degrees Kelvin but the Trimble Standard unit for temperature is degrees Celsius.

Trimble Standard units of measure are:

Length, DistanceMeters
AreaSquare Meters
VolumeCubic Meters
AngleDecimal Degrees
TemperatureDegrees Celsius
Electrical PotentialVolts
Electric ChargeCoulombs

If a unit of measure other than one from the table above is needed, the unit itself MUST be appended to the data item name. Examples:

AttributeSI unit relationshipAPI field nameField name modification
Area in acresAcres can be converted to square meters, but supplying the area in acres conveys an intended display format. Acres can also be the more natural unit in some industries that work with very large areas such as farms.areaAcresAppend “Acres” to “area”
Warranty period in monthsMonths cannot be stored in SI time units (seconds) since different months contain different quantities of seconds.warrantyPeriodMonthsAppend “Months” to “warrantyPeriod”
Volume in litersCubic Meters is an unnatural unit for some volumetric quantites, such as liquid volumes.fuelRemainingLitersAppend “Liters” to “fuelRemaining”