Standard Metadata

Standard Metadata

Standard Metadata

APIs MUST use the names listed below for commonly used metadata fields.

NameDescriptionDataTypeSample Value
idGlobally Unique Resource IdentifierUUID/GUIDc9b0d1db-8123-4849-960e-f8e917ffd6c5
createdAtDateTimeResource Create TimestampDateTime2019-10-12T07:20:50.52Z
createdByUserTrnThe TID User that created this resource.TRNtrn:tid:users
createdByApplicationTrnThe TID Application that created this resource.TRNtrn:tid:applications
createdByDeviceTrnThe TID Device that created this resource.TRNtrn:tid:devices
updatedAtDateTimeResource Update TimestampDateTime2019-10-12T07:20:50.52Z
updatedByUserTrnThe TID User that updated this resource.TRNtrn:tid:users
updatedByApplicationTrnThe TID Application that updated this resourceTRNtrn:tid:applications
updatedByDeviceTrnThe TID Device that updated this resourceTRNtrn:tid:devices
deletedAtDateTimeResource Delete TimestampDateTime2019-10-12T07:20:50.52Z
deletedByUserTrnThe TID User that deleted this resource.TRNtrn:tid:users
deletedByApplicationTrnThe TID Application that deleted this resource.TRNtrn:tid:applications
deletedByDeviceTrnThe TID Device that deleted this resource.TRNtrn:tid:devices

The following restrictions apply to all standard metadata fields above:

  • JSON encoded date-times conforming to this requirement can be validated using JSON Schema, e.g.:

    "description": "A valid timestamp",
    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
    "createdAtDateTime": {
    "type": "string",
  • All change attribution (e.g., created, updated, or deleted attributes) MUST be identified by a URI. In the case of attribution by a Trimble user, attribution MUST NOT include: given name, family name, or email address. It is recommended that change attribution be identified by a Trimble Identity TRN.