Getting Started

Getting Started with Connect

Getting Started

The Trimble Connect API allows you to read, write, and update data into and out of the Connect platform. Now, you can create folders, upload and download files, modify views, and do much more from any application.

Common Concepts

Regional Endpoints

Connect API offers regional endpoints that you can use to make your requests. The resources in each region are independent of similar resources in other regions.

Regions may be discovered by calling the /regions endpoint of the master region. Use the origin field value to determine the base URL to make API calls to a specific region. The base URLs of other regional Trimble Connect services are also returned for each region.

Date Format

All timestamps should be formatted based on RFC 3339 specifications, specifically to this format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm

Example: 2015-04-12T14:01:44-0700

Range Header

All collections/lists support a Range header to fetch partial lists (HTTP 206)

Request Header Range: items=25-34 Response Header Content-Range: items 25-34/40

If-Match Header

Some APIs support the If-Match header, especially for changing data on objects. Using this, the API user can ensure that the changes are being done to the latest version.

The APIs that support this header are:

PATCH /folders PATCH /files

Error Handling

The Common HTTP Response Status Codes are used.

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing

This API features Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) implemented in compliance with the W3C spec that allows cross-domain communication from the browser. All responses have a wildcard same-origin which makes them completely public and accessible to everyone, including any code on any site.


  • There is a maximum length of 255 characters for project, company, folder, file, group, release, views, and clash names.
  • There is a maximum length of 40 characters for tag labels.

© 2023, Trimble Inc.

Dedicated to the world's tomorrow, Trimble is a technology company delivering solutions that enable our customers to work in new ways to measure, build, grow and move goods for a better quality of life. Core technologies in positioning, modeling, connectivity and data analytics connect the digital and physical worlds to improve productivity, quality, safety, transparency and sustainability. From purpose-built products and enterprise lifecycle solutions to industry cloud services, Trimble is transforming critical industries such as construction, geospatial, agriculture and transportation to power an interconnected world of work.