Property Set

Connect Property Set Service


The BIM models used in construction typically contain model objects. Each model object has a geometry and properties that describe the BIM model object in detail. The properties are typically grouped together as property sets that contain many related properties. The BIM models are created using specialized model authoring applications that are often specific to certain construction disciplines. The model authoring applications save the result of the design work into BIM file formats that include both the geometry and the property sets. After sharing the BIM model file with other project stakeholders using a CDE solution like Trimble Connect, the geometry and the properties are viewable in the common environment, without needing access to the original authoring application. Once the model is shared in CDE, typically it is not possible to edit the geometry or the properties anymore, since the CDE provides features for sharing, review, and collaboration, but not for model authoring. By using the Property Set Service, it’s possible to link additional editable properties that are based on user defined property set libraries to the BIM models. This creates possibilities for richer workflows across the construction disciplines in the common data environment. The linking of property sets to model objects requires that the model objects can be uniquely identified in the external system by using GUIDs. The Property Set Service allows defining access control policies that define the access permission level (for example read/write/no access) on the property set level for different users.

The Property Set Service API is generic in nature, which means that it can be used as part of the Trimble Connect platform ecosystem (with the help of specific conventions) or as a standalone service in a solution-specific context. The Property Set Service is a data-level service with REST API capabilities and corresponding SDKs for Javascript and .NET.

Use Cases

The generic nature of the Property Set Service means that it can be used as part of the Trimble Connect platform ecosystem or as a standalone service in a solution-specific context. Note that using the Property Set Service in the Trimble Connect ecosystem context requires using specific API and access control policy conventions.

A typical use case within the Trimble Connect ecosystem is to enrich BIM models with custom properties that are linked to model objects through unique IDs (GUIDs) to enable connected construction workflows. Examples include:

  • Creating property set libraries for different construction process purposes, for example cast-in-place concrete pour checklists, tracking precast element installations, fabrication coordination, site logistics coordination, or equipment maintenance history
  • Defining data schema for the custom properties
  • Linking property sets to BIM model objects
  • Viewing property values
  • Editing property values
  • Managing access control to define property set access level for different user groups

Use cases for solution specific context may include:

  • Storing property data schemas and values for different purposes, for example file metadata


A property set is a collection of individual properties. The property set libraries contain property set definitions. Each property set definition has a data schema that defines the names and data types of the properties in the set. Property set instances are created from the property set definitions and linked to external resources that are uniquely identifiable. The property set service uses the data schema to validate that the property values match the schema definition (data quality/governance). Access Control is done with policies on a library level.

  • Property Set definition - a description of a property set structure including name, description, and data schema for the properties in the set
  • Property - individual property has a name, data type, and a value
  • PSet - Short for property set
  • Library - container for collection of PSet definitions
  • PSet instance - a property set created from a property set definition
  • Version - property set schemas and property sets are versioned. Each edit is stored as a new version in the service creating a history of changes
  • Link - PSets are attached to external objects using a link content. Links are pointers to external resources. The service does not interpret the content of the links in any way. It is recommended to use the FRN notation for links

Property Set API Concepts


Trimble Connect offers regional API endpoints that you can use to make your requests. The resources in each region are independent of similar resources in other regions. Each Trimble Connect project is hosted in a specific region, therefore all data in the project must be accessed through that regional API endpoint (see /regions API).


Using the Property Set Service in the Trimble Connect project context requires using specific API and access control policy conventions. If the special conventions are not used, the Property Sets are not accessible in the Trimble Connect project context using the Trimble Connect applications.

Also, a license for Trimble Connect is required before being able to fully utilize the Property Sets in the Trimble Connect applications.

Getting Started

You need to complete the steps in the Getting Started guide to be able to call the API.

The authorization to individual Property Set Service resources is defined by Access Control Policies, see the API specification.


See the API specification.

SDKs are available for the following platforms

Code Samples