Core Account APIs
Connect Core Account APIs
To Connect, an Account is an entity from either Trimble’s Entitlement Management System or Tekla licensing system (most commonly called a Company or Customer) that contains the product entitlements and users.
When a user creates a project in Trimble Connect, they are required to associate a license to that project which then associates the project under the account.
Use Cases
These APIs support the following use cases for Account Administrators:
- Get all the projects for a given account
- Get all the users who have access to an account’s projects
- Get the list of projects a user is a member of
- Add or remove a user from account’s projects
When looking at the Connect Core Account APIs, it is good to have a basic understanding of some of the terminology:
An Account can have any number of Entitlements. An Entitlement is mapped to a SKU (Stock Keeping Unit).
An Entitlement can have any number of Activations (licenses). The number of Activations is defined by the number of seats a customer has purchased.
A Project is associated to an Account. This relationship is created via the Entitlement that is assigned to the Project when it’s created.
Trimble Connect offers regional API endpoints that you can use to make your requests. The resources in each region are independent of similar resources in other regions. Each Trimble Connect project is hosted in a specific region, therefore all data in the project must be accessed through that regional API endpoint (see the regions API).
Getting Started
You need to complete the steps in the Getting Started guide to be able to call the API.
This section describes to use of Connect for the mentioned use cases. These APIs are accessible only to Account Admins.
Get all Projects owned by the Account
Retrieve a list of projects under the account.
GET{accountId}/projects?size=25&page=1Authorization: Bearer access_token
Get all Users in Projects owned by the Account
Retrieve a list of all unique users along with the number of projects they are a member of under the account.
GET{accountId}/project-users?pageSize=1000Authorization: Bearer access_token
Get the list of Projects a User is a member of
Retrieve the account user mapping along with the activeProjectsCount for a specific user under the account. You can use a Connect userId received from the API above.
GET{accountId}/project-users/{userId}Authorization: Bearer access_token
Add / Remove Users from Projects
This API creates a job for addition/removal of users from the given project ids Job details with requested input will be returned in the response body. This API supports a maximum of 30 projects and 15 updates in the request body.
POST Bearer access_tokenBody:[ { "projectId": "string", "updates": [ { "action": "string", "email": "string", "role": "USER" } ] }]
Supported actions: ADD, REMOVE & UPDATE
Supported roles: USER & ADMIN